Tuesday, October 19, 2004

City maps on world66

Another new feauture: city maps on world66. Thanks to the University of Austin, Texas we have been able to upload about two hundred copyright free city maps.

To see how it works, check out our Riga travel guide
In the left menu, just below the Latvia map showing the location of Riga, you see a small preview of the city map, click the link and you see the full scale map. Quite neat, don't you think?

If you know of any collection of copyright free city maps we can use, drop us a note and we'll include them.

The next steps will be:

- Soon we will create the possibility for visitors and members to upload city-maps themselves. We will moderate the process to make sure that they are actual city maps and to see if they are not copyrighted.

- We are working a tool to show the location of restaurants, museums, hotels etc. on the maps. Be patient, this requires quite some work, also because this is one more process we need to moderate.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Maps showing location of cities

We have introduced a new feature on the site. When we have the coordinates of a city, we show the location of the city on a small country map. It's pretty cool.

This is how it works. If you look up information on Medan but don't have a clue in which part of Indonesia it is, you can now see immediately where it is and whether you can fit it in your itinerary. Click on the small map and get a detailed map of Indonesia (and a really nice one, but we have to admit this is also due to the way Indonesia looks).

We will work on a way for people to place cities we don't have coordinates for on the maps, as well as on ways to tell us the location of a city is wrong. We'll keep you updated on that.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Clickable map on frontpage

We have included a clickable map in Flash on the frontpage of world66. When you click on it, you go to the map of the continent. There is a mouse over that helps you select a country.

We hope it helps people find the info we have faster.